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Quote from George Sr. in Check Mates

Xiang Wu: We had no idea how humiliating your circumstances were. It is very important for our partners, even in great failure, to remain honorable and save face.
Chen Wu: We'd like to offer you the opportunity to once again experience dignity by making a monetary gift to your family.
Narrator: And that's when the honesty unexpectedly paid off.
Chen Wu: Perhaps $3 million will suffice for removing some shame.
George Sr.: Three million dollars. I mean, that gets... Whew. That gets gets rid of a lot of lot of shame.
Lucille: I mean, there would still be shame.
George Sr.: Yeah, I mean, we had shame walking in the door, but, I mean, wow...
Xiang Wu: Is there a bank account we can wire the money to that would avoid unwanted attention for you?
Narrator: Indeed, the Bluths had such an account.

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