Jacob Quote #269

Quote from Jacob in Teacher Conference

Jacob: Well, thank you for the 'vite, but I'm supposed to hang with my Abbott peeps.
Summer: We also brought Cards Against Humanity.
Jacob: Do you have any expansion packs?
Summer: Does the farmer's market have fresh bread? You bet we do.


 ‘Teacher Conference’ Quotes

Quote from Ava

Janine: What else?
Girl: This is impossible!
Janine: No, nothing is impossible. Now, come on. Keep guessing. [door opens]
Ava: All the vowels are in the dump. What word has two X's and no vowels? Did Grimes have another kid?

Quote from Janine

Janine: Uh-oh! Even Principal Coleman is stumped. All right, let's get those guesses in, you guys.
Ava: Nah, I got this. "R"!
Janine: Nope. [students groaning]
[aside to camera:]
Janine: So I picked a word, but then a student sneezed on another student. By the time we cleaned that up, I'd forgotten the word. So I'm just stalling. But we've only got about 10 minutes till lunch, so we should be fine.

Quote from Gregory

Gregory: I can't wait to show you what I have planned. We have snowshoeing, a coal jewelry workshop, and tree-ventures just to start.
Amber: I thought we were gonna be, like, relaxing... in a hot tub.
Gregory: We are, after the firewood harvesting forum.
Amber: Seems like you have a lot planned.
Gregory: That's the best way to relax... On a strict schedule.