Janine Quote #253

Quote from Janine in Valentine's Day

Janine: I-I can't believe what I'm hearing. You know... 'Cause I-I-I can't like Gregory. 'Cause I like Maurice.
Barbara: Sweetheart, it is possible to like two people at the same time.
[aside to camera:]
Janine: This is wild. This cannot be a thing. You know, I am dating Gregory's friend Maurice, and Gregory's dating Amber. Plus, we work together. So, then what would happen? We see each other during the day and at night? We'd, you know, tell each other stuff and feel comfortable together? [chuckles] Like, share our deepest thoughts, and, you know... a life. It's gross, honestly. Just... blegh.


 ‘Valentine's Day’ Quotes

Quote from Ava

Ava: Internet sucks today, right? [laughs] Not one scandal? Do better, Twitter. [marker squeaking] You teenagers today are so boring paying all that attention.

Quote from Jacob

Jacob: Unlike Phase One Tony Stark, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were both anti-capitalists. [Jacob nearly falls off his desk]
Student: You seem a little shaky, Mr. Hill. Are you good?
Jacob: Oh, yeah. I'm good. I am... totally fine.
[aside to camera:]
Jacob: Ava has been in my last three classes, okay? Either this is some time-intensive prank, or I am getting fired... for teaching Black history. [scoffs] I flew too close to the sun. Like an anti-racist Icarus.

Quote from Ava

Barbara: I mean, he absolutely likes you. Although I think that workplace romances are a terrible idea.
Ava: Yeah. That's why I never tried anything with him. Also, I have a boyfriend. But mostly Barb's reason.
Janine: So, wait. Everyone just... Just knows this?
Ava: Yeah, y'all the only two dummies that don't know that you like each other.
Janine: Whoa!
Barbara: But you do like him, right?
Ava: Despite you lack of swag, height, and good outfits, he thinks you're cute, but just don't do anything nasty on school grounds, because if I can't, then y'all can't.