Ava Quote #214
Gregory: Ava, the date is how they start every day. It's important. It's a process. There's a reason why we build a routine. Each step builds upon the last.
Ava: Like a Beyoncé playlist.
Gregory: Sure.
Ava: You wouldn't put "Love on Top" in front of "Church Girl." [chuckles]
Gregory: Look, we work really hard to build a curriculum, and I know it's boring, but tomorrow you can get right back to making TikToks or whatever else it is that you do. But today we need your help. They just need you for a few more hours... and for you to follow everything that's in that binder.
Ava: I hear what you're saying. I just have one question.
Gregory: Mm-hmm.
Ava: Does school end at 2:30 or 3:00?
Gregory: Let's be safe and say 3:00.
Abbott Elementary Quotes
‘Sick Day’ Quotes
Quote from Mr. Johnson
Mr. Johnson: Why build an airport 25 miles from the city if you aren't trying to hide anything?
Ava: Alright, Man in Black, I'm tappin' back in.
Mr. Johnson: Now go home and tell your parents what I taught you, kids. It starts with you.
Quote from Ava
Melissa: Hey, Ava! Thanks for using all the printer paper to make your dumb fliers.
Ava: Don't thank me. Thank the trees that laid down their lives. They're the heroes.
Jacob: "Ava Cold-man's Pop Out Pop-Up: The Mask Stays On"?
Melissa: The hell even is this? A-Another pyramid scheme?
Ava: It's only a scheme if you're at the bottom of the pyramid, and obviously... I'm a top.
Quote from Mr. Johnson
Gregory: And you're just ditching Janine's class?
Ava: I'm not ditching. I'm pivoting. Besides, those kids are unhinged. I'm done with teaching. Time to throw in the towel.
Mr. Johnson: And I'm the towel. I'm your sub, Mr. Johnson. Have any of you ever flown into Denver Airport? Or have a fondness for lizards the size of humans? Anybody?