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Quote from Ava in Ava vs. Superintendent

Janine: You know you have a presentation to the school board coming up, right?
Ava: Yeah, I do it annually.
Janine: Right, but you're ready for the one this year?
Ava: [to camera] This girl doesn't know what "annually" means.
Janine: No, I know what it means. It's just that this time is a little different.
Ava: Yeah, my job is on the line.
Janine: More importantly, discretionary funds for the entire school.
Ava: Yeah, but those two things kinda go hand in hand if you really think about it.
Janine: Great. So you're taking it seriously, then.
Ava: As a heart attack. I haven't watched Love After Lockup in like a month. Free Puppy.

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