Harry Quote #559

Quote from Harry in The Big Giant Head Returns

Dick: Sir, Mr. Head, wouldn't you like to see your son and heir?
Big Giant Head: What the hell is that?
Dick: That's your son, sir.
Big Giant Head: My son? My son's a leader, a warrior. This thing is covered in snot.
Tommy: Well, it's six months old, sir. That's normal for an Earth baby.
Harry: Yeah, but if it makes you feel better, the size of his head is the talk of the mommy and me group.


 ‘The Big Giant Head Returns’ Quotes

Quote from Vicki Dubcek

Vicki Dubcek: So, Dr. Albright, how are things treatin' you at the hospital? I'll bet those HMOs are just makin' you crazy, huh? [chuckles]
Mary: I'm not that kind of doctor, Vicki.
Vicki Dubcek: So, you mean, like, you're, like, a veterinarian, or what?

Quote from Vicki Dubcek

Vicki Dubcek: All right, now, this here is a picture of a piece of cheese, but in French it's [non-French accent] Fromage. Fromage. It's in French.
Harry: Hello, Vicki.
Vicki Dubcek: Oh, hey, Harry. Hey, I was just teachin' little Eric some French.
Harry: Do you know how to say in French "I love you, and I should never have let you out of my life"?
Vicki Dubcek: No, but I know how to say, "boot."

Quote from Sally

Tommy: All right, Sally. The first step to curing your shoe addiction is to eliminate the money source.
Sally: Of course! I'll kill Dick.
Tommy: No. Uh, I was talking about cutting up your credit card.
Sally: I can't do that.