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Quote from Dick in I Am Dick Pentameter!

Jennifer Ravelli: Oh, Dick, you'll love this place.
Dick: Tofu dog? Wheatgrass soup? Celery ham? [laughs] This is very funny. Now, uh, where's the real menu?
Jennifer Ravelli: Dick, this is a lacto-ovo-vegetarian restaurant. I have a lot of allergies.
Dick: Oh. Are they bad?
Jennifer Ravelli: Well, if I eat a peanut or a nut, my face swells up, and my body explodes in hives.
Dick: Oh, that is so cute.
Jennifer Ravelli: Here's an odd bit of trivia for you. A lot of people don't know that a peanut is not actually a nut. It's a legume.
Dick: Oh. And a lot of people don't know that a walnut is not actually a peanut. It is a walnut.
Jennifer Ravelli: [giggles] You nut.

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