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Quote from Dick in The Tooth Harry

Leon: Dr. Solomon?
Dick: Leon, you're not hailing Pitman.
Leon: Uh, hail Pitman. But isn't 4 wrong?
Dick: Oh, what do you know?
Leon: Well, when I answered 4, you said I was dumber than a bucket of hair.
Dick: You must be mistaken.
Caryn: No, he's right. He said that if the orbital trajectory was 4, then the earth would spin out of orbit and crash into the sun.
Bug: And then you told us to "shun the idiot child Leon, for he has killed us all with his cretinous answer of 4."
Dick: Fine, fine. Pitman, say another number.
Pitman: 9?
Dick: Correct. All hail Pitman.

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