Quote from Dick in 36! 24! 36! Dick: Part 1
Dick: [v.o.] How did it happen? It began so innocently. It was a day like any other. I can still remember. I was teaching a class in physics. High Commander's Log, January 12, Earth year 1998. There are some new students in my class today. I usually don't allow students to join my class mid-semester, but I made an exception this time because they walked in and sat down. Dick: Kepler's third law states what, class? Bug: A body in motion tends to stay in motion. Dick: No, no. Bug, I'm looking for a planetary law. Pitman: Yeah, planets, you know, heavenly bodies? [chuckles] Dick: Kepler's third law, anybody? Gabriella: The square of a planet's period of orbit is proportional to the cube of its average distance from the sun. Dick: Th- Th- That- That's very good, uh... Gabriella: Gabriella. Dick: Gabriella.