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Quote from Harry in Dick on a Roll

Harry: [in a wheelchair] Greased lightning!
Sally: Where'd you get that thing?
Harry: I got it from Miss Dubcek's garage.
Dick: Whoa! My turn! My turn!
Harry: Oh, no. I don't think I'll be getting off any time... [Vicki walks up the stairs]... before right now.
Vicki Dubcek: Hey, baby. Vicki's back.
Harry: Grr. So, Vicki why didn't you keep in touch?
Vicki Dubcek: I must have written you 2 letters. But I did not receive those letters. Okay! Okay! Maybe I did. But I'm a different woman now, Harry.
Harry: Margaret Thatcher?
Vicki Dubcek: No.
Harry: Ah. Good.

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