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Quote from Dick in Tricky Dick

Tommy: What can you do? You do things your way, they're not happy. You do things their way, they're still not happy.
Dick: When are we gonna learn you can't deal with women? The female feigns weakness only to use it as a weapon. It's like the praying mantis. Yeah. She acts so fragile and willowy, but when the male approaches, she sprays poisonous mucus from her eyelids, and he bursts into flames.
Tommy: Praying mantises don't do that.
Dick: So what? The analogy stands. You can't negotiate with them, Tommy. You gotta give as good as you get. Now, Mary found that out. Oh, yeah. The hard way.
Harry: Why are there office supplies stuck to the side of your head?
Dick: That's where I keep them.

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