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Quote from Dick in Dick and the Single Girl

Sonja: Oh, really? Then I have something to tell you, my darling, but my words would be hollow unless sung. Please sit. [sings] First there was Newton Who could tell how things fell But I never have fallen that way Then there was Hawking Who told of black holes But I've never been sucked in, per se And no one, not Einstein Has made me feel as fine As Solomon's made me today...
Dick: I gotta go.
Sonja: You've awakened my passion, Dick Solomon You've made physics a physical thing
Dick: I did?
Sonja: Our electronics magnetic Our energy's kinetic My harmonic is oscillating
Dick: Oh, lord!
Sonja: You've awakened my passion, Dick Solomon
Dick: Please stop!
Sonja: You've made my life turn on a dime
Dick: Chiffon.
Sonja: I know this sounds crass But your energy times my mass Would create an explosion through time.
Dick: Listen, Sonja, no. Oh my god, we're skipping!
[As they dance, Sonja removes Dick's belt and his pants fall]
Sonja: Oh my god! Can't you see it's bigger than both of us?
Dick: Well, thank you, but... I- I feel I have to go home!

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