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Quote from Dick in Mary Loves Scoochie: Part One

Dick: No! Scoochie! Reveal yourself! I can't take it anymore!
[The black knight removes his visor to reveal Dr. Liam Neesam]
Mary: Dick? Did you just call him Scoochie?
Dr. Liam Neesam: Dick, it's been a long time.
Dick: Liam! Uh- Uh- Uh, how are you?
Dr. Liam Neesam: Oh, splendid. I, uh, recently won a Probie.
Dick: Uh... Scoochie is from Team X?
Dr. Liam Neesam: Look, I'd love to chat, but there's the small matter of your beheading. Uh, sire?
Dick: No! Thumbs up means that I live.
Dr. Liam Neesam: Well, not where I come from.

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