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Quote from Sally in Gwen, Larry, Dick and Mary

Dick: Sally, Tommy, Harry, please sit down. There's something I have to tell you and it's not going to be easy. I know how much you all enjoy the times that you've spent with Mary and me...
Sally: Dick, is that vest a little stinky?
Dick: Maybe a little.
Sally: Okay, give it to me.
Dick: But Mary and I have come to a decision.
Harry: Well, you know I think those pants might be a little crusty, too.
Tommy: Yeah. Stand up.
[After Dick stands up and slips his shoes off, Sally starts unbuttoning his shirt while Tommy and Harry remove his pants]
Dick: We want to spend all of our free time with Gwen and Larry. Mary says, and I have to agree with her, that it's rare for two couples to mesh together so perfectly. And so I'm afraid that means that we won't be spending any more time with the three of you.
Sally: Aw, that's a shame. Hey, got any quarters?
Dick: Yeah. There's a couple in the left-hand pocket.
Sally: Okay. Great. See you later. Bye-bye.

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