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Quote from Dick in Angry Dick

Dick: It's a perfect night for observing. It's warm, dark. The air is crystal clear.
Harry: Okay, they're in bed. [all strap on binoculars]
Dick: You know, I'm not satisfied watching the Mullers from afar. This isn't what humans do. Humans don't just observe each other. They interact. We should make contact with them.
Harry: Ohh! Here's something different.
Sally: You know, without their clothes, they seem kind of...
Dick: Gelatinous?
Sally: Yeah.
Harry: What is he looking for?
Dick: I'm not sure yet. Wait. Wait! Yes, this is it. I believe they're going to mate.
All: Aw!
Dick: Tommy, pay attention.
Tommy: Why? This is like sweating to the oldies without music.
Dick: This is important. Sex is how humans enrich their relationships and reaffirm the commitment they've made to each other. It's the most sacred, intimate part-
Sally: They're done.
Dick: What? Already? Thank you very much!

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