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Quote from Dick in Jolly Old St. Dick

Dick: "Peace on earth, goodwill toward men", what a crock!
Tommy: Nine hundred dollars in fines, and they confiscated your chain saw?
Dick: And have you ever felt a taser? It's not nearly as much fun as it looks. What a bunch of hypocrites! Apparently, the Christmas spirit doesn't apply when you're trespassing and vandalizing.
Tommy: Oh, let's face it, Christmas is a sham.
Sally: How can humans take something like shopping, something pure and natural and good, and turn it into something so ugly?
Tommy: This is not a holiday, this is torture. They know exactly what they want, but they won't tell you. No, they make you guess.
Dick: This is just so Earth. Humans! I don't want to play any of their reindeer games.

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