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Quote from Harry in A Dick Replacement

Rita: Thanks for waiting. I can't find my tarot cards. Gimme your hand.
Harry: Okay, but a guy walkin' around with a bottle of honey I sure hope that no accidents happen!
[Harry grabs Rita's hand, twists her arm and squirts honey all over her back]
Rita: What the- Oh! [screams]
Harry: Oh, I'm so sorry! I'm such a klutz!
Rita: What are you doing?
Harry: Now, Sally!
Sally: Okay. What?
Harry: Release the killer bees! [Rita screams]
Sally: I don't have any killer bees.
Harry: I knew it. I kinda thought that was gonna happen.
Sally: Well, you should have told me the plan, man!
Harry: Well, you told me not to!

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