Lillian Quote #40

Quote from Lillian in I'm With the Band

Bill: Why does everyone think I'm hard on him? I'm no harder on him than my father was on me. I push him because I care. The boy needs to toughen up, if he's ever gonna play in front of big audiences.
Lillian: Has Dean said that's what he wants to do? Has he ever had the choice not to play?
Bill: Well, I assume that's what he wants to do. Eventually. What else would he want? If he's not playing professionally, then it's just a waste of talent.
Lillian: Well, let's just remember he's 12.
Bill: [scoffs] Oh, more excuses. When I was 12, I was 20.
Lillian: Have you ever thought that maybe your frustration about Dean wasting his talent is because you feel like you might be wasting yours?
Bill: What? No. This isn't about me. This is about Dean.
Lillian: Of course. But I think a part of you already knows that you don't want to take that tour because you want tenure. And maybe, maybe, that's what's really frustrating you.
Bill: Of course I'm frustrated. The band's gonna be devastated. But I can't risk losing tenure. The stability that comes with it, the benefits... It's too important to our family. But that doesn't mean I'm taking it out on Dean. Or does it? Maybe. I don't know.
Lillian: Well, I hope you know that we really appreciate your sacrifices. I really appreciate your sacrifices.
Bill: Maybe I should go have a talk with him.


 ‘I'm With the Band’ Quotes

Quote from Kim

Bill: Hold on, hold on. Maybe the boy has a point, Lil. This is their first time playing in front of real people who don't have to clap. Plus, he's got a solo. Boy's got to look sharp! I think I'll take you shirt shopping myself. How about that? I might even pick up one or two shirts, just in case I end up taking this tour.
Dean: Thanks, Dad. I want to look as cool as you.
Kim: Still gonna wear the glasses, though?
Dean: You're just jealous because the saxophone is way cooler than the stupid cello.
Lillian: The cello is not stupid. And, Kim, there's nothing wrong with your brother's glasses.
Bill: That's right. Cut it out, you two.
Both: Yes, sir.
Kim: And I only play the cello because Dad wouldn't let me play the saxophone when I was your age. He said that's how girls get pregnant.

Quote from Lillian

Dean: Mom, since the Fair's coming up and I have a solo in the concert...
Kim: When school lets out early, I'm going with Cassandra and Corynella.
Lillian: Well, don't you have a paper... [Dean clears throat] Forgive us, Dean. Please continue bragging about your solo.
Dean: I was hoping that maybe I could get a new shirt for the concert. Maybe a silk one. I want to look cool.
Lillian: First of all, you know you only get clothes at the beginning of the school year. Second... a silk shirt? Which one of the Pips are you replacing? [laughter]

Quote from Adult Dean

Adult Dean: Wow. Daddy was getting a chance to play on a bigger stage and so was I. The State Fair. It brought with it a half day of school for Fair Day and the best shows and rides you could imagine! One night, I saw a cow give birth and saw Cory throw up through his nose after riding The Enterprise five times. Hmm. Who were the real animals that night?