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Quote from Keisa in The Valentine's Day Dance

Dean: Uh, because I race with Cory and Brad and those guys all the time, and, uh, you and I can do other stuff. Like, I don't know, maybe...
Keisa: Wait, you don't want to race me because I'm a girl?
Dean: Well, kinda, yeah.
Keisa: I throw better than you.
Dean: So?
Keisa: I kick the ball better than you.
Dean: Okay. We don't have time to go through the whole list.
Keisa: C'mon, let's race. On your mark, get set... [school bell rings] [sighs] Dang. I was just about to beat you, too.
Dean: Do you want me to carry your books?
Keisa: Do you want me to carry yours?

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