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Quote from Coach Long in Lads and Ladies and Us

Vivian: I hear you. That's why we're thinking about putting our Cory into Lads and Ladies.
Coach Long: Yeah, we want to get him around some children with some good families that share the same values that we do.
Lillian: We talked about joining when they were starting that local chapter a few years back. Remember, Bill?
Bill: Yeah, but I'm not sure we're Lads and Ladies-type people. We do all right, but we're not fancy like they are.
Coach Long: You mean like us? Now, we can get up and get into our brand-new Cadillac out front and leave.
Bill: Don't get your 'fro all bent out of shape, Mr. Rockefeller. You're not going anywhere with us sitting on ten books over here.
Coach Long: Yeah, you right about that. [laughter]

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