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Quote from Kim in Where No Dean Has Been Before

Kim: Bruce, would it be okay if I hosted - not a party - but a "literary salon" Saturday night? I met some new kids who get together to read poetry and discuss current events. I'm worried they think I'm all show and no go.
Bruce: Fine.
Kim: Yes!
Bruce: As long as there's just a few, and you don't tell Mom and Dad if I duck out to Tammy's for a minute.
Dean: You know, I think I'll have a salon, too.
Kim: Oh, hell no.
Dean: Fine. If I can't invite my friends, then I'll just have to hang out with Kim and hers.
Kim: [sucks teeth] He can have his little dork buddies over, too.
Bruce: So we got a deal?
Adult Dean: Nothing sealed the deal between the three of us like the threat of mutually assured destruction. That's why, to this day, no one knows what's buried underneath that tree in the backyard.

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