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Quote from Dean in Lads and Ladies and Us

Adult Dean: Now that I was all in with these Lads and Ladies kids, I didn't want Kim's funky attitude to mess it all up for me.
Kim: What?
Dean: Okay, I need a favor. I'll do all your chores for a week if you tell mom you want to come to every Lads and Ladies event.
Kim: Okay.
Adult Dean: Man, that was easy! Too easy.
Kim: It is so cool that Howard has a major in Afro-American Studies.
Herb: It's not just a major anymore. They started a whole new department. There was a bit of a student takeover, if you will.
Kim: If I do decide to go to college, I got to go someplace with a progressive curriculum, you dig?
Herb: [chuckles] Right on, sister! You know, you should really come to our college information meeting. You'd definitely dig that.
Adult Dean: What? Kim was having a good time? Man, I played myself. I was gonna have to do a week of Kim's chores for nothing. Dammit.

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