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Quote from Dwight K. Schrute in Counseling

Dwight K. Schrute: You guys know me. You know that I'm not one for fancy things. But there was this one thing. It was in a fancy store. And it caught the corner of my eye when I took Mose down to the mall to get his blood pressure at the Rite-Aid. And I thought, you know, maybe I deserve this. You know, I had a great crop yield this fall.
Pam: So what happened?
Dwight K. Schrute: I went to the store and I pressed the buzzer, and they looked right at me, and then they looked away. And then I pressed the buzzer again, and they started taking pictures of me on their mobile phones. I guess I'm not the kind of guy that's good enough for precious heirlooms.
Kelly: You know what Dwight? You need to go back there, and you need to "Pretty Woman" their asses.

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