Axl Quote #385

Quote from Axl in Bunny Therapy

Axl: Oh, my god. It's my senior year, and I just started dating a hot blonde cheerleader, and now Sue's out there saying she knows me.
Frankie: So? What do you want me to do about it?
Axl: Oh, I don't know. How about a little parenting? Like locking her in the basement, or sending her to some bible camp to pray the dork away!
Frankie: Look, it's enough that I said I'd stay in here while your friends are over. I'm not gonna make Sue do it, too. One of us is gonna be out there. Pick one. Me or Sue?
Axl: Forget it. We're going to a movie.


 ‘Bunny Therapy’ Quotes

Quote from Brick

Mrs. Tompkins: So... I'm guessing you know why you're here.
Frankie: We think we have a pretty good idea.
Mrs. Tompkins: Right. It's about Brick's tic.
Mike: Yep. Three weeks.
Mrs. Tompkins: I know. That's why I'm so concerned.
Frankie: You're concerned he hasn't whispered in three weeks?
Mrs. Tompkins: Oh, no. I'm not talking about the whispering, I'm talking about the new tic. I'm sure you two have noticed.
[flashback to Frankie, Mike and Brick in the kitchen at breakfast:]
Brick: Whoop.
[flashback to Brick reading on the couch as Frankie and Mike inspect the smoke alarm in the kitchen:]
Brick: Whoop.
Frankie: I don't think we've ever changed the batteries.
[flashback to the family eating dinner at the dining room table:]
Brick: Whoop. [everyone checks their cellphones]

Quote from Frankie

Dr. Fulton: And the whooping. Yeah, that... [laughs] That's a fresh one, even for me. Now he could be whooping for any number of reasons. I mean, it could be the sign of a serious mental illness... or something simple. We just don't know. But my gut is telling me that what we're dealing with here is an attachment disorder.
Frankie: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. You're elevating his quirk to a disorder now?
Dr. Fulton: No worries, Mom and Dad. We've got a lot of weapons in our arsenal to try and treat this.
Frankie: Drugs? You wanna put him on drugs?
Dr. Fulton: Whoa! [laughs] Easy, Mom. We're not allowed to go there first anymore. No, I think we can start Brick with something as simple as a pet.
Frankie: A pet? Oh, no. He kills pets.
Dr. Fulton: Oh. [writes down]
Frankie: But not on purpose. Mostly accidental. It's neglect, really. And he feels bad. I mean, he doesn't cry. Not like a serial killer. I know they don't cry, either. They don't have any empathy for their victims. Like Brick, but he-
Dr. Fulton: Okay. That's noted.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] So after agreeing we were smarter than a therapist, Mike and I went about fixing Brick's tic in the way only loving parents can do.
Brick: Whoop.
Frankie: Knock it off.
[later, as Brick and Mike sit at the table:]
Brick: Whoop. [Mike honks horn] Whoop. [Mike honks horn] Whoop. [Mike honks horn]
[later, Frankie is cleaning and Brick grabs a drink from the fridge:]
Brick: Whoop.
Frankie: Stop it! [sprays Brick with water] Stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it, stop it!