Mike Quote #354

Quote from Mike in Forced Family Fun (Part 2)

Mike: What are you yelling at me for? You're the one that kissed the guy. You know how many people I kissed since we got married? You! I think I deserve a freebie.
Frankie: Fine! Be my guest! Got anyone in mind?
Mike: Oh, I got a few in mind. Maybe some that you might not expect.
Frankie: You got nothin'.
Mike: No. But you know what it is, Frankie? 19 years later, and we're still having the same argument, and you know why? Because you don't know how to go with the flow. And until you learn how to go with the flow, you'll never get camping!
Frankie: I was trying to create some memories!
Mike: Well, you got 'em!


 ‘Forced Family Fun (Part 2)’ Quotes

Quote from Frankie

Sue: I'm first. Community chest! There's no cards.
Frankie: Okay, well, um... Pop this bubble, and if you get a 2 or a 6, you get another turn. Oh! 5. Too bad. Brick, you're up. [Brick doesn't respond] Brick. [buzzer sounds]
Brick: Oh, me? I thought you said "Rick." Three, four, five... This chunk of the board's missing.
Frankie: That's okay. You can either, uh, buy a hungry hippo to swim across the gap or trade in Professor Plum for a bonus spin.
Brick: How much for the hippo?
Mike: Frankie, this game makes no sense.
Frankie: I'm trying to make a special vacation here, Mike. Just spin.

Quote from Frankie

Sue: Uh, Mom, I don't remember there being a spinner in Monopoly.
Axl: Way to go, Mom. There's no dice.
Sue: And no properties. Only some "Sorry!" cards.
Frankie: That's okay. We can make this work. Look, look, look, we each get some money to start. Mm-hmm. Uh, except for Mike, who gets 2 Scrabble tiles, each worth $100.
Mike: Hmm.
Sue: I get the thimble!
Axl: I get the battleship.
Brick: Hey, the only thing left in here is a dirty sock.
Frankie: Okay, so Brick's the dirty sock, and your dad and I will just keep track of where we're going with our fingers. See? This is gonna work out great.

Quote from Mike

Frankie: You've been a jerk to your sister this whole vacation, and you are her big brother! You're supposed to help her!
Axl: Why? Why do I always have to help her? Why do I always have to be the one to save the day?
Mike: What?! When did you ever save the day? Seriously, name one day you saved. No, not even a day. Name a morning you saved.