Brick Quote #821

Quote from Brick in True Grit

Brick: Anyway, at first, I was looking forward to going, but now I'm worried. What am I gonna say to a bunch of jocks? Can you give me some football terms to use so I don't embarrass myself trying to fit into the conversational bouquet?
Mike: Uh, first of all, I'd steer clear of "bouquet." Second, just talk about anything. Just be yourself.
Brick: Should I talk about Charlie Rose?
Mike: No. Why would you do that?
Brick: Well, I like his interviewing style. The way he takes one topic and really delves into it.
Mike: Um, just talk, like, uh, "Hey, what class are you in? Where'd you get those sneakers?"
Brick: You're giving me tall-guy advice. That all works coming from you. If I did it, I'm just the weirdo paying too much attention to people's shoes.


 ‘True Grit’ Quotes

Quote from Brick

Brick: I hope you told your mom not to wait for you for dinner. Font Club may run a little late tonight. We're having a raising Helvetica party.
Troy: I thought we were gonna discuss Garamond.
Brick: I'm saving that for Monday. Gara-Monday?
Troy: Ah, cool.

Quote from Brick

Brick: [whistles]
Mike: Uh, Brick, what's with the getup?
Brick: Oh, this? I've noticed high-school kids seem to be very into school pride. As you know, I live life on the periphery, on the fringes of fun. But I've decided, if I want to graduate having lived the high school experience, it will require total immersion.
Frankie: But you don't even like sports.
Brick: Correction... used to not like sports. Now all I care about is we beat the Bentonville Bears Friday night. The Bears are going down! I hate them based on their geographical location.
Mike: Good man.
Brick: In addition to sports cheering, I will also decorate my locker and perhaps participate in a school prank. One thing's for sure... count on a lot of selfies. You can follow my antics on social media. I've got this year down... like the Bears, who are going down. [chuckles]

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: Excuse me. I would like to return an item. It's kind of... embarrassing. Obviously, I didn't mean to buy these.
Cashier: Obviously. [chuckles]
Frankie: Well, not that obviously. I mean, I could wear those.
Cashier: Oh, sure, of course. Back in the day, right? Anyway, let me just get a price check. Uh, Tiffany, can I get a price check on "I'd Hit That"?
Frankie: [clears throat] Well, no, no, no, no. Not just back in the day. I mean, it's still within the realm of possibility. [chuckles] There are people that have wanted to hit that before. Even recently. I mean, I have a loving husband. We have a good relationship. Sure, we get busy and tired, and we still have one kid at home. And I have stomach issues. They want me off the Dr. Pepper. I'm down to one. Otherwise, that would get hit a lot more.
Cashier: Well, we usually don't accept returns, but I'll make an exception because your story's so sad. So, do you want this on your credit card or cash?
Frankie: I-I-I'm sorry, I just feel like I really need to make a point here. I think, for a woman my age, I have kept myself in pretty good shape. I have been an inactive member of a ladies gym going on 22 years now. And yeah, sure, I hit the frosting every now and then, but I have been blessed with a fast metabolism.
Cashier: Look, if you want something more your style and more, you know, functional, you might try the Undergarment Garage. My mom loves it.
Frankie: Hey, I am not Undergarment Garage material. I am still vibrant. As a matter of fact, I will keep these underwear, and I will also take "Hashtag Hottie", "Twerk it", uh, "Party In My Pants"... and, uh, oh, no, no... this is disgusting. You should keep these in the back. Kids are walking by.