Frankie Quote #219

Quote from Frankie in The Fun House

Frankie: [v.o.] While the family was having fun playing pool at what is now sure to be the fun house, I was doing my damnedest to get out from behind the eight ball at work. Which wasn't easy since Abby seemed to be focusing all her crazy on me.
Frankie: [to a male customer] Well, I see you've been eyeing this little...
Abby Michaels: Freeze. Bear with us. She's in training. Okay. Go again. But this time, try using our customer's appearance to get to his hot-button issues.
Frankie: Hot-button issues?
Abby Michaels: Issues you can connect on to gain their trust and ultimately exploit to make the sale. For example, if you walked into my dealership and I looked at your appearance, I would think tired, obviously doesn't care about appearance, must have kids: Boom. Minivan.


 ‘The Fun House’ Quotes

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: What are you doing?
Mike: I ordered a pizza. Get in and shut the door before the kids smell food.
Frankie: Okay, so guess what. I'm not fired. And not only that, but Abby thinks I have potential. Yeah. My problem is I have been undervaluing myself. There's no reason I couldn't be selling 10 cars a day if I wanted to. [off Mike's look] All right, well... Not maybe 10, but five at least. It's about my attitude. I just have to get up and say, "Yes. I get to get up early and make everybody's lunches... and look for the car keys, and bust my butt to get to work... where nobody's buying cars..." I'm not saying it as good as she does but... There was something about Lego cleaning. A "pow" in there so... God, it seemed to make so much sense before... now it just sounds like it's gonna take a lot of energy. Maybe I should just try to get to work on time.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: Everyone else has been at the dealership longer than me. I have the worst record. So fire me.
Abby Michaels: [hands Frankie a napkin] What does this say, Frankie?
Frankie: "Fire me."
Abby Michaels: That's right. I wrote down what I knew you would say. That's why I made up this charade of someone being fired. To show you how you don't value yourself.
Frankie: Wait a minute. Ehlert's not firing anybody? You made it up? I didn't sleep at all last night. I have been in agony. You are crackers, lady.
Abby Michaels: Or am I? If I hadn't brought you to this point, would you have been open enough to hear what I'm about to say?
Frankie: I don't know. Maybe.
Abby Michaels: I know you. See, you've got this tape playing in your head: "Oh, I'm just a person who didn't finish college. I'm just a mom." Let go of the "justs," Frankie. Just let them go. Empower yourself to be who you wanna be... and love that person.
Frankie: Okay.
Abby Michaels: Because now you're living paycheck to paycheck, and the sad thing is you're working really hard.
Frankie: I am. I'm working really hard.
Abby Michaels: I know. You have a choice. You can say, "I get up every morning, I deal with a mean boss, the economy sucks, and no one's buying cars." Or you can say, "I get up every morning, I deal with a mean boss, the economy sucks, and no one's buying cars. That's what gets me up in the morning because I am Frankie Heck... and I can do it all. I get my family dressed and fed... send my kid off with his science-fair volcano... and I find the missing car keys, then I get the stain out of the jersey. I walk in the door of the dealership: Pow. Bring it on. I can sell 10 cars today. I'm not scared. I'm a mom. I can do anything."
Frankie: I can. I can do anything.
Frankie: [v.o.] Wow. She's good. She's like the woman whisperer.

Quote from Brick

Mike: Brick, are you licking the chalk?
Brick: I'll never eat white chalk again.