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Quote from Mike in Mommapalooza

Frankie: Okay, get this. I was at the mall and I was walking by the area where all the kiosks are, and next to the hair-braiding one, in front of the old Ann Taylor Loft, there was this woman with a new kiosk, and she was a life coach.
Mike: That's where all your best life coaches are... working a kiosk at the mall.
Frankie: I'm telling you, this woman was incredible. I told her my situation, and she got it, Mike. She really got it. We started talking, and she was able to pinpoint all of my strongs.
Mike: Your "strongs"?
Frankie: Yeah, it's a more forceful word for strengths. It's a life-coaching thing. You wouldn't understand.
Mike: So what do they call your weaknesses, your "weaks"?
Frankie: No. They call those "stretches."
Mike: Huh. So what's it gonna be now? Restarting your beading business? Baking organic dog biscuits?

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