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Quote from Mike in The Christmas Miracle

Ron: Thanks, Mike. I'm not... at my physical best. They tell me I got hit by a car last week.
Diaper Glossner: Let go of me!
Mike: Where's the snowman? Somebody took it off the roof.
Diaper Glossner: None of your damn business!
Ron: Hey, you little jerk! I saw what you did to Mrs. Claus, and I can't unsee it. Do you respect nothing?! You tell him, Mike. I'm about to throw up Bwine.
Mike: Look, you want to know why I kept putting the snowman back out there? It's not because I need a snowman in my front yard. I'm not that guy. It's 'cause I thought, at some point, you would realize that what you were doing was not right, but you never did. Look, you're not in diapers anymore. Okay, scratch that. The point is, you've gotta figure out what kind of man you're gonna be.
Diaper Glossner: Sorry. I just never had no daddy to tell me right from wrong. I thought maybe you could tell me.
Mike: Well, you can blame your parents all you want, but at some point, it's on you.
Diaper Glossner: But you didn't let me finish. I thought maybe you can tell me, but you can't... 'cause you're a woman!
Ron: Should we go after him?
Mike: No point. But for a kid carrying a full load, he sure can run.

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