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Quote from Mike in Clear and Present Danger

George: [on TV] Uh, I'm based in the corporate office, so I don't really know Mike Heck that well, which kind of makes it hard for me to share my favorite, uh, "Mike moment."
Mike: Sue, that's my boss.
Sue: Surprise.
Nancy: [on TV] My favorite Mike moment is, sometimes, when he's getting out of his car, he pretends like he doesn't hear me calling from my yard, and he just walks into his house. [laughs] Hilarious.
Jim: [on TV] I have so many Mike moments, it's hard to pick. Well, not a lot of people know this, but Mike loves cats. One time, I came into the trailer on a break, and Mike was watching this video of kittens befriending a bunny rabbit.
Mike: Okay, that's enough. [video fast forwards] I get the gist.
Sue: Wait, wait, wait. No, no, no. Uh, there's, like, 15 more minutes left. Brad does a special poem, and the bagger at Frugal Hoosier had a really funny story. You're gonna miss it.
Mike: Yeah, well. [gets up and removes the disc] Here you go. [hands Sue the disc] What do you want me to do with this?
Brick: Well, the shoe kit's looking better.

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