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Quote from Sue in Exes and Ohhhs

Sue: I mean, this is the third time he showed up to take me to a dance. I just feel bad because I never end up going with him. He's always so nice. He was the first person to tell me he liked my hair after I cut it.
Tyler: Sean sounds like a great guy.
Sue: Oh, super great. I just hope he's not hurt. He drove such a long way, and it was such a nice gesture. No, a nice gesture is if you drive an hour. I don't know what you call a gesture after five hours. Did I tell you it was five hours?
Tyler: You know, you've been talking an awful lot about Sean.
Sue: Have I?
Tyler: Sue, remember how Julia broke up with me because I was talking about you all the time? It kinda feels like there's somebody you'd rather be going to this ball with.
Sue: What? No, no, no, no, no. I really like you. That's why I asked you and everything. I just didn't realize Sean would even want to come. I mean, he is a very social guy, and he does love to dance. One time at our block party-
Tyler: Sue, if you want Sean to take you, it's not too late.
Sue: Oh, no, no, no, no. Tyler, I really couldn't do that to you.
Tyler: No, really, it's cool. I'm not just saying this to be nice. I mean, yeah, I like you, but we've only been dating for three weeks and it's mostly been hauling around drunks. I don't wanna be competing with some other guy already. So I think if you like this Sean, you should probably go talk to him and figure that out.
Sue: Oh, my God. Do you think?
Tyler: Yeah.
Sue: I mean, we've known each other our whole lives. But, no, he's already in Orson, and he's going back to Notre Dame.
Tyler: Orson's only 42 minutes away. You- You told me that a lot, too.

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