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Quote from Axl in Film, Friends and Fruit Pies

Frankie: [v.o.] The only thing worse than having your friend become your boss is having your boss become your friend.
Jack Kershaw: Heck, I can't tell anybody this. Nobody knows but you. The apple shipment from Chile exceeded the legal pesticide limit. That means no apple pie till June.
Axl: You know, if it makes you feel any better, no one my age even eats fruit pies anymore. They're like something out of the '50s.
Jack Kershaw: And the truck drivers are threatening to strike again. "Oh, we can't drive 48 straight hours. We'll report you to the union." What am I gonna do? Shove a thousand Yodel-oos in the back of my Lexus and go door-to-door? Huh? Huh?!
[later, Axl is at his desk as Mr. Kershaw rants to him:]
Jack Kershaw: And now some kid in Missouri has found a toe in his ringdoodle. I mean, a finger, I could understand, but a toe? What are these people doing down there? Oh, look at this. Now my eye's twitching. Is this noticeable?
[later, Mr. Kershaw talks to a bathroom stall door:]
Jack Kershaw: People are depending on me. They're all depending on me. I can't breathe, I can't sleep. My hair's falling out in chunks. It's falling out.
[later, as Axl washes his face, he pulls out a chunk of his hair:]
Axl: Oh!

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