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Quote from Mike in Floating 50

Mike: Okay, relax. It's not the end of the world here. I'll get her home. Bill, I don't want to have to say it again. [on the phone] Hey, Frankie, so, you on your way home?
Frankie: You're not gonna believe this. I'm snowed in.
Mike: What?! No! It's not that bad here. Maybe you should just go for it.
Frankie: Just go for it? Thanks for looking out for my safety, Mike. By the way, I found Sue, if you care. She was at the library. So I guess I'm just gonna settle in here. Oh, you know, I have to let her know I'm staying the night. I'll call you back. [call disconnects]
Mike: She's snowed in. [all groan] But it's okay. It's gonna be fine. All we need's a snowplow. Does anyone here have a plow or any snow-removing vehicle?
Bill: Gee, Mike, sorry, I forgot to bring my dump truck full of road salt! I'm sorry. I'm lashing out. I am so hungry! Can't we just dig in to this sub? It's what Frankie would have wanted.
Mike: She's not dead, Bill. She's just in Gumford.

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