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Quote from Frankie in Not So Silent Night

Frankie: Oh, God, could I have thrown it away when we did that spring cleaning a couple years ago? That would be so typical of me! Other people have a system, and I don't have a system, and now it's gone!
Brick: Mom, it's not your fault.
Frankie: Yes, it is. This whole damn house is just a system failure. That computer has not been backed up for 67 weeks! I just kept hitting, "Remind me later." Everything here is "Remind me later." We live a "remind me later" life. Oh, my God, what is wrong with me?! I can't store pictures properly. I don't appreciate cat perfume from my children. I have got to do a better job!
Sue: It's okay, Mom! I found it! I found it! It was in the garage!
Frankie: Oh, thank God! [rummages through the box] Old People magazines? [wails] No! [cries] They're gone! [crying] Everything is gone! It's as if we never existed! Oh, sure, I kept two copies of the John Travolta Look Who's Talking edition but not our family memories!

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