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Quote from Frankie in Food Courting

Frankie: You know, the sooner you get your paper done, the sooner you can be doing something fun, like taking that behind-the-scenes tour at the library. I mean, where do those librarians go on their break? You won't know 'cause you're not on the tour.
Brick: Actually, I am doing something fun. I'm reading.
Frankie: No, you're not.
Brick: I'm reading a book in my mind. I've memorized all my books. Now I'm turning the page... page 12.
Frankie: All right, stop it. Stop it right now. You're being punished.
Brick: [laughs] That's a funny part.
Frankie: I mean it, Brick.
Brad: I know what's coming, and yet I still laugh. That's how you know it's good writing.
Frankie: Oh, yeah? Well, I'm gonna stop you from reading in your head by reading from one of my books out loud. [picks up a magazine] "From homeless to sexy. Just two years ago, Angela McCullum was living by the rail road tracks. She never dreamed that someday she'd be walking down the red carpet in a size-2 gown." Kind of hard to concentrate, isn't it? "The author of the best-selling cookbook Fabulous Foraging, Angela confesses her life changed after a chance encounter with Gwyneth Paltrow."

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