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Quote from Axl in Steaming Pile of Guilt

Devin: 'Sup? Sorry I'm late. Got accosted in the hall by your ex.
Axl: I don't know who you're talking about, 'cause I don't have any ex-girlfriends that go to this school.
Devin: Yeah, well, she just showed me pictures from three different proms that say otherwise. Admit it... you were a nerd in high school.
Axl: Oh, my God! You're nuts! I mean, look at me! There's no way I would have ever dated Weird Ashley.
Devin: Okay, I got to stop you a sec 'cause it's kind of obnoxious you keep calling her "Weird Ashley."
Axl: Sorry, but that's her name. I got to distinguish her from Hot Ashley and Smart Ashley. I mean, look, it's just a classification system.
Devin: You know, I don't know if I love the way I'm hearing you talk about people.
Axl: What?
Devin: "Smart Ashley," "Hot Ashley"... kind of wondering if you have an insulting little nickname like that for me.

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