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Quote from Mike in A Quarry Story

Mike: Frankie, I'm shaking, I'm so mad. You should have seen this party. If anything had happened, we... We could have lost everything.
Frankie: [exhales deeply] You know, she didn't plan it.
Mike: Still. I never should have given her the keys in the first place. [sighs] I guess I'd expect this kind of idiot behavior from Axl, but not Sue.
Frankie: Mm-hmm.
Mike: I gotta ground her. Six months, minimum.
Frankie: Ooh, six months? [sighs] It's her senior year.
Mike: She's gotta learn.
Mike: "Dear Dad/Mr. H., I'm so, so very, very sorry. You gave me the greatest opportunity in the world when you hired me to work with you and clean trailer toilets and do so many other cool things. You put your trust in me, and I just hope that one day I might be able to win back your trust because..." [paper rustles] "Because it's so important to me that you can trust me, and I'll do whatever I can to..." [paper slides] [sighs] Maybe two months.
Frankie: [v.o.] Altogether, Sue slipped 22 pages under the door that night. Mike's punishment went from six months to six weeks, but Sue didn't think it was enough, so she jacked it back up to eight. Then we slowly forgot about it, and it petered out around four. On the plus side, when the final scores were tabulated, Sue was the big winner in Brick's game show extravaganza. Hey, you take the wins where you can get 'em.

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