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Quote from Frankie in The Safe

Frankie: [v.o.] So I'd gotten off to a bad start with my teacher. But if there's one thing I'd learned from working at Ehlert's, it was the fine art of sucking up.
Frankie: Hi. I know. Late again. What are the odds? But I made you some snickerdoodles.
Sandy Armwood: Oh. [chuckles] Look, everybody. Gingivitis on a plate. You know what those cookies tell me, Frankie? You do not respect the tooth.
Frankie: Oh, I do. I completely respect the tooth, so, so much.
Sandy Armwood: Ah. Well, good to hear it. And since you're not in your seat, why don't you take this one right here? Attagirl. There we go. Going down. Okay.
Frankie: Well, you know what? I think it would be better-
Sandy Armwood: Wowzers! You have some seriously, seriously inflamed gums.
Frankie: Really?
Sandy Armwood: I see you had a couple of those cookies in the car, too, huh? Everybody, gather around! This is an excellent example of the oral carelessness we've been discussing today. Now I want everyone to reach in there and feel that frenum.

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