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Quote from Frankie in The Play

Sue: Hello, Mother. [Frankie gasps] Is there something you'd like to tell me?
Frankie: I'm sorry! [pants] I love you. I love you so much. You're so good, and I'm so bad. I'm so, so bad, and I'm weak! That's what I am. I'm weak, and I'm sorry, and-- [Axl walks in] Not now! But you're right. I have no excuse. None. Except that I love doing the play. I was so excited to have something that was just for me, that was my thing, 'cause there I'm a singer, and today a Munchkin barfed, and no one expected me to clean it up, 'cause there I'm not a mom. I'm Ozian number four, and that just made me feel... [sighs] Special.
Sue: Wow. I didn't realize how much the play meant to you.
Frankie: But you know what? I don't want to do the play without you, so tomorrow we're marching down there and demanding that they find a place for you, too. The play's gonna be our thing.
Frankie: [v.o.] And sure enough, they found a place for Sue... underneath the stage.

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