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Quote from Axl in The Test

Frankie: No, Axl, this is what I'm talking about. You have to change your attitude. You want your whole life to be like that dream where you show up for the test and you forgot to study?
Axl: What dream?
Frankie: Oh, come on. Everybody's had the "I forgot to study" dream. How could you have not had that dream?
Axl: Uh, 'cause I'm not a nerd? Most of my dreams involve a flying dragon that's trying to eat the house, but then I ride him to the moon, and we jam out on our guitars.
Frankie: That's what you dream about? Jamming dragons?
Axl: Mm.
Frankie: You know what I dream about? Paying bills and feeding you people and, very occasionally, Colin Firth, but you should be dreaming about college and...

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