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Quote from Frankie in A Simple Christmas

Sue: Axl be quiet, and please let our pretty young mother finish telling us about the presents.
Mike: Well, we thought instead of going crazy buying piles of crap, we could give you just a couple special things that would really mean something to you.
Frankie: Yeah, and if you wanna get something for each other or your friends, you can earn the money. Or make something homemade, from the heart.
Axl: From the heart? Where is this coming from? It's Christmas!
Sue: Well, maybe it wouldn't be so bad... Thinking of something special we really want?
Axl: Traitor!
Brick: Sue!
Sue: It's kind of a nice thought. I know one thing I would really like is a new diary. [Frankie places a diary on the table] Oh, my God! How did you know?
Frankie: We found it under a sweater on Brick's train set. It's exhibit D.

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