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Quote from Mike in Errand Boy

Carly: Thanks for helping us. Sue got an "A" in Mr. Murphy's class last year.
Shannon: Oh, my gosh. Funny story about Mr. Murphy. He said I'm probably the smartest student he's ever had.
Sue: Oh, yeah?
Mike: I'm sorry, how is that a funny story about Mr. Murphy, exactly? 'Cause it didn't really seem to be about Mr. Murphy at all, and it wasn't funny. Did I miss something? 'Cause, well, I'm all for hearing a funny story out Mr. Murphy, but that wasn't it.
Shannon: I guess what I was trying to say, without bragging, is I'm usually top of the class, but as a Wrestlerette Captain, I have been crazy busy. The teachers are saying they don't know how I do it all.
Mike: I'm just wondering... How is that not bragging? I mean, you said you weren't bragging, but you do know what bragging is, right? 'Cause maybe you should skip Wrestlerette practice and try cracking a dictionary.
Sue: Dad.
Mike: What? Just helping with the vocab. You know, in case it's ever on a test.
Sue: Come on. Let's go study in my room. [Mike stands up] Not you, Dad. [Mike eats a piece of chocolate]

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