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Quote from Aunt Edie in The Floating Anniversary

Frankie: [v.o.] My aunts Ginny and Edie had been smoking and coughing for almost 70 years without considering there might be a connection between the two.
Aunt Edie: Damn arthritis. I'm sorry to bother you, but here it is 6:00 and we can't open our medicine. Oh, and another thing. I failed my driving test today, so you're going to have to help get us around.
Frankie: What?
Aunt Edie: I have a foot appointment Tuesday. And she has get her wheelchair tuned up on Thursday. And while it's there, you will have to carry her around. But don't worry, she's not that heavy anymore.
Frankie: Okay. Hold on, I'm gonna have to write this down.
Aunt Edie: And, dear, could you make me a sandwich?
Frankie: [v.o.] I should have figured this was the way the world worked. Soon as the kids gain a shred of independence, the old folks spring a leak.

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