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Quote from Mike in The Cheerleader

Frankie: [v.o.] I was still mad at Mike, but I have a pretty good poker face.
Mike: Frankie, you weren't there. You weren't at the pool. She was bad. She was Rhythmic Dance Team tryout bad.
Frankie: All right, well, just because she sucks doesn't mean you should tell her that. What do you think that does for her self-esteem?
Mike: [scoffs] I thought I was taking them to the pool. If I had known it'd be anything about self-esteem, I wouldn't have done it. [Axl smiles] What do you want?
Axl: Five feet, Dad.
[Mike shoves Axl outside and closes the sliding door]
Mike: What should I have done, Frankie? Lie to her? Since when did the truth be a bad thing?
Frankie: Sue's a sensitive young girl who needs to be treated delicately. Her emotions are right on the surface. She's not Axl. [Axl rubs his face against the glass door] We're her parents, Mike. It's our job to cheer her on, no matter what.
Mike: I love my daughter and I'm not going to have her made fun of. If someone's gonna dash her hopes, damn it, it should be her family.

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