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Quote from Sue in Thank You for Not Kissing

Sue: Okay, listen, uh... there's something I've been thinking about. I told my mom, and she said it was a good idea, but I wanted to run it by you.
Brad: Oh. Go.
Sue: Well... I have decided to give Sean my snow globe. You know, 'cause he always calls me his special snowflake. So I figured I would just do it and tell him how I feel and that I liked the kiss. I liked it a lot. What do you think?
Brad: I think it's a great idea. I'm so happy with Luke, and I want you to be happy so I don't have to subvert my happiness when I'm around you.
Sue: Alright, let's leave it to the fates. If the next jellybean I pick is green, then I'll go for it. [squeals] Yellow. I said "yellow," right?
Brad: I heard "yellow."

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