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Quote from Mike in Eyes Wide Open

Frankie: [v.o.] After a 72-hour bout of insomnia, Sue wasn't sure if that was a real knock or a figment of a sleep-deprived mind. But just when she thought all was lost, her prayer was answered.
Sue: Dad? Wait, what are you doing here?
Mike: Well, you know, on the group text, you were telling your mom about how you haven't slept in three days.
Sue: Aww.
Mike: And by the way, take me off that group text... it's annoying. So, what's the problem?
Sue: Well, I don't know. I was looking forward to Lexie being away so that I could be on my own, but then being alone freaked me out. I mean, it's a little worrying. How am I ever gonna live by myself if I can't be alone?
Mike: Well, we're gonna be dead someday, so you got to figure it out.

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