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Quote from Sue in Thanksgiving IX

Edwin: All right, listen up. First of all, Happy Thanksgiving. Secondly, great work today. Thirdly, somebody's fired. Yeah.
Axl, Sue & Brick: What?!
Edwin: Mm-hmm. Yeah. So, uh, you may have noticed I haven't been around much lately. Turns out my trip to New York to audition for SNL did not go as planned. I guess my aunt riding up the elevator with Bobby Moynihan isn't exactly the "in" I thought it was. Anywhoo, I'm gonna be around more, so we don't need as many minimum-wage employees. Now, I've been agonizing over who to fire, when I thought, "Wait, I can't do this. You guys are family." [Sue sighs] So figure it out amongst yourselves.

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