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Quote from Frankie in Halloween VIII: Orson Murder Mystery

Brick: So, this is Sylvia's house? I gotta say, "Sylvia" doesn't sound like a murderer's name.
Frankie: That's how she got away with it all these years. Remember, don't lead the facts. Let the facts lead you.
Brick: So, what's the plan here? You can't just knock on someone's door.
Frankie: You can on Halloween. [Sylvia opens the door]
Frankie & Brick: Trick or treat!
Sylvia: Oh! Happy Halloween! Where are your bags and your costumes?
Frankie: Well, we are in costume. I'm a haggard mom, and he's my weird son.
Brick: Really, Mom, weird? You had to go there? [Brick takes a treat]
Frankie: Don't eat that. She's a murderer.

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