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Quote from Frankie in Halloween VIII: Orson Murder Mystery

Frankie: "Henry August Tucker, 1927 to 2002." That's Claudia's husband. That's weird. Why isn't he buried next to his wife?
Brick: But... he is. [thunder crashes] Ooh! Henry Tucker got remarried! Do you think...
Frankie: That Henry murdered Claudia so he could marry someone else? Uh, yeah!
Brick: Looks like Biteys aren't the only ones who can be replaced.
Frankie: "Sylvia Hammond Tucker"... That sounds familiar.
Brick: That's the name of Claudia's sister!
Frankie: And look, there's no death date. She's still alive!
Brick: Aaahh! Oh, wait, that's okay.
Frankie: I'll tell you something, Brick. I think we've been following the wrong leads. Maybe the murder-er is really a murder-ess.

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