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Quote from Frankie in Halloween VIII: Orson Murder Mystery

Mike: See, this is exactly why I didn't tell ya. I knew you'd make a big deal out of it. Besides, that death was two owners ago. How do we even know it really happened?
Brick: Oh, it happened. "A woman was found dead Sunday afternoon in her home at 427 Birchwood Avenue." It's here in the Orson Herald... March 17, 1969.
Frankie: Let me see. Let me see. [squints] Ugh, read it to me. I don't have my glasses.
Brick: "The body of Claudia Rose Tucker, age 40..."
Frankie: Ooh, she was so young. And how sad is it that I said 40 was so young? Go on.
Brick: "...was found March 16th by her husband, who called for an ambulance when she was found unresponsive in her bathtub."
Frankie: Ew! Not my bathtub! Why couldn't it be the laundry room? I already hate it in there.

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